Week 5

Hello from the capitol!
Here is a brief snapshot of what is happening under the dome…


Emergency Medical Services (EMS) play an important part of the first responder system in the State of Idaho. EMS personnel and volunteers save countless lives every year across our State. Currently, EMS is not classified as an essential service. As the population in Idaho grows, demand for EMS services is increasingly stressed. There is no statewide EMS system and funding for EMS services is sporadic and unreliable in many areas. This Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) encourages the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare to develop a plan and draft legislation to address this statewide concern.

This resolution passed the Senate with a 26-9 vote.


This bill will be coming before the Senate Health & Welfare Committee next week. It says that no person engaged in the practice of professional counseling or marriage and family therapy in the state of Idaho shall be required to counsel or serve a client regarding goals, outcomes, or behaviors that conflict with the sincerely held principles of the counselor or therapist.

This bill reads as being anti-homosexual, anti-religious, anti-everything that a counselor or therapist might find offensive.

I am looking forward to debating against this bill.

SB 1018

The manufacture, sale, delivery, holding, or offering for sale of any food that contains a vaccine or vaccine material unless the food labeling contains a conspicuous notification of the presence of the vaccine or vaccine material in the food. For purposes of this subsection, “vaccine or vaccine material” means a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against disease prepared from the causative agent of a disease or its products, or a synthetic substitute  treated to act an as antigen without inducing the disease, that is authorized or approved by the United States food and drug administration.

What this is getting at is……. certain lawmakers are worried that the FDA and the Federal Government will vaccinate people against their will by placing vaccine material into the food supply.

On the lighter side

Follow-up on Colle-Voce’s visit to the Senate floor. Those young women ROCKED IT!!!!!
It was such a pleasure to have them perform. They even went to the first-floor rotunda and sang songs for the entire Capitol to hear. They received so many compliments. R.L. Rowsey was exceptional as always and Max Stimac is outstanding.
I am one proud Senator!


Week 6


Week 3 – 4