
We are fortunate to live in Idaho where we enjoy four seasons, fresh air, and blue skies. Idahoans are independent, industrious, and innovative. We are built from a strong work ethic. We help our neighbors when the need is there, and we do so without being asked or asking for anything in return.
We are caring.
Idaho is a state where our values drive our decisions and our way of life.

We cherish a safe place to raise our families. We understand the value of education, and how important that is to the future success of our children. We value our democracy and our freedom to vote, our natural resources and our robust agricultural industry.

These are a few examples; there are many more. 

When elected last year as your State Senator I was given the opportunity to represent Blaine, Jerome, and Lincoln counties to stand in defense of those values. I am concerned legislation will continue to be brought forth in an attempt to alter our way of life and impose differing values.

Please know that I value and support equal opportunity and rights for ALL Idahoans. I continue to support funding for our public education system as mandated by our state’s constitution. It is imperative that our children receive the best education possible. I am dedicated to protecting and preserving Idaho’s natural resources ensuring they will be there to enjoy for many generations to come. Advocating for accessible and affordable quality health care, regardless of who you are, where you live or if you can pay, continues to be a priority for me. Ensuring our vast agricultural economy continues to thrive is of utmost importance for Idaho. I will defend our right to vote and to ensure the election process is fair.
The last legislative session ended April 6th, 2023, but the work never stopped. This summer has been filled with meetings, seminars, planning sessions, and most importantly, spending time with my constituents listening to their concerns. Representing Idaho in the Pacific Northwest Region Economic Development Region and building relationships with our neighbors was one of the highlights of the summer for me. The next legislative session begins on January 8th, 2024. If you have any questions or concerns, I look forward to hearing from you. I can be reached at
It has been a truly humbling experience and I am thankful to all of you who supported and encouraged me to seek this position.


SB 1161 Empowering Parents Grant Program.

This bill underwent extensive debate. In the end, it passed the Senate floor 19-15-1. This bill takes $30 million from the above mentioned $330 million to fund the Empowering Parents Grant program. This bill also creates a pilot program for five years for up to 2,000 students per year to provide a tuition grant of $6,000 per student. This money will be used for private schooling. As a colleague said, “this is a winner for 2000 students, the rest of the students lose.”

HB 292 is a property tax relief bill.

It would provide $355 million in tax relief immediate and ongoing. It also provides $100 million to public schools to pay off bonds and levies, with the ability to use any leftover money on their facilities. One issue with this is that the bill removes the March school district election date for bonds and levies. This election date was a negotiated date and is important to our school boards. We have worked hard to get this amended but with no luck.

HB 205 is a voting restriction bill.

This would have repealed no-excuse, absentee voting; a method of voting we have had in place since 1970. Fortunately, the bill was killed in the House. 

The Best News of the Week

SB 1127 State Dinosaur 35-0

Thanks to the fourth-grade class at South Fork Elementary School, Idaho now has a state dinosaur!!! Oryctodromeus. This is the best known and most common dinosaur found in Idaho. This dinosaur has only been discovered in Idaho. This dinosaur is believed to have been an herbivore that cared for its young in family groups underground. Pretty cool to have state dinosaur! (I stood and thanked the fourth graders for not choosing me as the state dinosaur).

I reached my goal of 10,000 steps a day for the month of February. Blue Cross of Idaho challenged all legislators to achieve this. As a result, Blue Cross of Idaho will donate $1000.00 dollars to the Valley School District. This year the program generated $47,000.00 dollars for public Idaho elementary schools.




Early Fall Update